Friday, May 22, 2009


When the rain comes

I love it when the rain comes.

When the rain comes so do the blackouts. Grown-ups turn into giddy little school children and watch the rain fall outside office buildings.
When the rain comes so does candlelight. Soft flickering in silent powerless rooms. Sensual shadows cast on walls.
Cuddles are in plenty when the rain comes.

When the rain comes so does the wind. Blowing branches tap on windows. Destruction in its mighty force.
When the rain comes the sky illuminates with lightening flashes; currents reaching out to touch the earth.
Children cry at cracks of thunder when the rain comes.

When the rain comes so do memories of warmth. Up north as a little girl, hot rain falls, quelling the humidity. Dancing in the street and swimming on the road.
When the rain comes farmers rejoice. Dry earth is replenished. Fields rejuvenated with new growth.
Home-cooked hearty meals stew on the stove when the rain comes.

I love it when the rain comes.

1 comment:

  1. I don't like the rain - bring back SUMMER - glorious SUMMER. The beach, the warmth, the sun
