Sunday, January 2, 2011

Legs Eleven

Well, happy new year everyone - merry 2011! Ok, ok, ok yes - it is the 13th, almost half-way through the month and now I'm getting my act together for my 1st 2011 post! But hey, it's motivation central from here on in (yes that's Little Bird hoping that if she says it out loud/types it on her blog she won't be able to make any more excuses lol)!

2010 was a busy year full of business endeavours and travel in my world, it was one big awesome holiday and adventure. I set a very broad new years resolution for 2010 and that was to have more fun - and by god I did! And congratulations Miss Tsangarides, you actually achieved something you set out to do (even if you are still paying the bank off for it in 2011! haha). I went to Darwin to visit family, I went to Bali for a beautiful relax with a girlfriend, I went to Europe and the UK for 3 months to get out of my comfort zone and discover some world and on the way back stopped in Phuket for a friend's absolutely breathtaking wedding. Needless to say, it's going to be a very hard year to top and that's why I'm setting myself a plan!

New year's resolutions - those little annual vows we make to ourselves, often whilst intoxicated and motivated new years eve, to turn our lives around...and then rarely follow up on. Well this year really is about making a few changes for me. 2011 for me is to be the year of creativity, energy and outdoor adventure. Of saying yes to things I'd usually shrug off as outrageous, and instead of saying 'oh I'd love to learn how to do that...' actually going out and learning/doing it. In short - GETTING OFF THE COUCH!

One thing 2010 wasn't was the most productive of writing years for this little bird, so one resolution for this sensational year to be, is to write more and implore my creative energies. Grand! Now this might be a slightly couch related activity at times, but I'm going to try to do more of it outdoors and take time out specifically to force myself back into my passion.

Running! Another goal I've set myself is to do the Perth City-to-Surf Fun Run in August. Now I'm not a particularly energetic person and I want to get more healthy and active this year. I've never done the City-to-Surf before or really any kind of fitness competition. Currently my running ability is lower than low but I want to see what I can do about that in the next 8 months. My aim is to train in the hope of being able to jog the 12 km but, should I not get to that level, I'm at least going to walk it!

Surfing! Yes that's right, surfing! When I told my mum about this one she did her vaguely skeptical trademark 'aahhh' which means she thinks I'm a moron haha. But while I was in Europe, I had so many people say to me 'Oh so you're from Australia - so do you know how to surf?' to which my usual reply was 'Ofcourse not!'. When I got back I found out one of my housemates had been taking surfing lessons and I said 'wow that's awesome, I'd love to learn how to do that!' to which he replied 'You should' so now it's on the list and me and my pal Scott are going to test our coordination, our determination and our dignity beginning with level 1 surf classes at Scarborough Beach, starting at the end of the month. Stay tuned for what I'm sure will be some hilarious surf-fool related posts!

So that's the plan so far, although I'm sure it will expand as the year goes on. Get out a pen, put on those runners and slip on a wet suit! Hmmm interesting outfit combination :)

1 comment:

  1. oh elysia! so good to see you back. i so enjoy your writing :) look forward to stories of the year ahead xo
